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Seller Tips

Hot Seller's Tip

There are many “tips” that people offer, but I like to stick to the “Top 7” Seller Tips that work!

1. Plan and Prepare Yourself to Sell Your Home.

Lots of changes are about to occur and most of them are really exciting. Don’t get bogged down in memories, but rather focus on the transition and all of the new memories that are about to be made. These are exciting times!

2. You Need to Get Yourself a Great Realtor©!

Why do you need to use a Realtor© versus trying to sell your home by yourself? Well, the reason is because the Realtor© has information that is invaluable in helping you follow the most efficient path to selling “fast” and getting the asking price that you desire. They have been working in your neighborhood for years, typically, and they know the “comps” of the homes being sold in the area. They will also network and help you find leads and buyers that you could never find yourself. It is “who you know”, not “what you know”, after all, right?

3. Set the Price!

There’s nothing worse than moving forward with all the excitement and visions of selling your home if you set your asking price out in left field! Consider the economic situation in your area seriously and price accordingly. Your Realtor© will be invaluable in helping you price your home properly, they deal with this every day and know what buyers are willing to pay in this market.

4. Market Your Home Using Modern Strategies!

Compile a LIST of ways that YOU think people will find out about the sale of your home. It isn’t what it used to be and if you don’t feel comfortable with today’s social media world and how people, in general, communicate via this new medium, then leave it to the experts. Marketing is pretty “raw” these days, meaning that “word of mouth” is king and don’t ever underestimate how powerful that is.

5. Sold!

Depending on your timeframe and how quickly you need to sell this home in order to finance your future new home, will help you decide which offers to entertain and which to pass on. We also know that there is that slight intangibility as to who to accept an offer from and when is the best time. When the appropriate offer comes in, you will know and your Realtor© will know as well.

6. Close the Deal.

The next tip is to keep your closing agent as close to you as possible (they will become your “temporary” new best friend!). You want that all the paperwork is handled properly and efficiently. It is imperative that all of the documentation is filed appropriately and that whatever sales promises were made (i.e., fixing a sink or painting a room) need to be finished prior to closing. The money will then be transferred into your account from escrow with the least amount of obstacles.

7. Moving Out.

Ok, the day has finally arrived when you must pack up and move your lives to your new home and leave behind the old. Allow your Realtor© to help you through this emotional process because there are lists upon lists of things that need to get done in preparation for your move. As the date nears, you can be sure that all will flow smoothly when you approach it with an organized “attack”… You’re now on to the next chapter of your lives! Congratulations and Good luck!

Work With Tracey

Tracey knows that buying and selling a home is an emotional experience, and one of the most important transactions many of us will make in our lives.
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